Marketing / Development

Through the concept of “market-oriented,” Kokando develops products and technology from a consumer perspective based on thorough market research. Being ahead of the times, Kokando develops and upgrades products responsive to changing market. We aim to cultivate new markets and distribution/sales channels.
Mail order business have been newly established within Marketing Strategy Division so that the customers’ voices are incorporated into the products we develop, and our products are safe and high in quality and meet the needs of the times. By means of the nationwide network that covers Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south, we have access to our customers’ feedback, which is utilized in developing new or improved products.
We are determined to continue to create the Kokando Brand through the development of the products only Kokando can deliver. It is also our determination that we search for the ways we conduct our business in such a way that our products help improve the users’ well-being.
Product development
For more than 140 years, our focus of research and product development was on using crude drugs whose effectiveness has been demonstrated through history. Making free use of the latest technology, we search for new ways these crude drugs can be used.
With changing needs of customers in mind, we continually develop products that are needless to say safe and effective, yet are gentle, and can be easily taken.
Duties and Responsibilities of Division of Development
- Research and development of new products, centered on oriental medicines/crude drugs
- Development of new OTC medicines
- Development of products that are differentiated through new formulae and new product form
- Development of new technologies to improve the quality of life of patients
- Production technology and an appropriate, efficient production system
Joint research with the government and academia
Kokando is working to develop new products not only through its own R&D efforts but also through joint research in partnership with various organizations including the Institute of Natural Medicine at University of Toyama, Center of Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Engineering at Toyama Prefectural University, and Toyama prefectural research institutions – Toyama Prefectural Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Toyama Prefectural Institute for Food Product Research. The Company will continue to promote the development of original products.
Each of the laboratories shares information with Marketing Strategy Division and group companies to develop products responsive to the needs of markets and the needs within Kokando. Additionally, validation (the documented act of demonstrating that a procedure, process, and activity will consistently lead to the expected results) and other activities are carried out to manufacture products on a commercial basis and to streamline OEM production.